2018 - Human

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I've been waiting for months for this one to be delivered. Finally showed up on Friday evening.

I can't really take credit for this build, but I did provide the initial specifications and most of the raw materials.

There are still a few bugs to work out, but for a prototype build, it came out well.

[QUOTE=55Guy;15332912]OK I never thought this would happen my wife asked me are there any new pictures of the baby on that RC site. I don't think she is starting to like RC cars just wanting a updated pic of your little one.[/QUOTE]LMAO, here you go, this should make her happy:

[QUOTE=agusorgen;15409803]is it nitro or electric? it´s kinda obvious because crawlers arent usually nitro, but the least thing i could do is ask haha. also, this is going to be the longest build thread in the history of fyrstormers garage.[/QUOTE]LOL @ calling him a "crawler". Why did I never think of that?

He's not quite there yet, though. At this point he's still just a roller:

As you can see, I'm training him to be my pit mechanic.

In retrospect, I should've seen this coming.

I think he was trying to eat the tires so he could absorb their power of all-terrain traction. He's 10 months old now, and he's strong enough to stand-up if I help him balance, but he still hasn't quite figured out how to crawl. I think he might be one of those rare kids who goes straight from flopping around to walking.

I think he might be more adorable now than he was when he was born:

Here he is working on his James Dean impression:

And here he is learning how to watch TV in the proper fashion:


Survived one year with us as parents.

[QUOTE=Sir 51D3WAYS;15535556]So, seeing that it's a year already, have you done any hopups or WOT pulls?:D[/QUOTE]No hopups yet, but his WOT speed is pretty impressive for a crawler. :D It's gonna be even harder to keep up with him when he gets upgraded to a runner.

Here's my current favorite picture of him:

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